Brow Pre-Care Instructions

To perform cosmetic tattoo procedures, the skin must be hydrated and moisturized on the day of your appointment.- NO EXCEPTIONS. Please come to your appointment with a makeup free face (no foundation, blush, mascara, etc) regardless of the treatment area.

Week before your appointment:

  • Avoid: Alcohol, excessive caffeine, and extreme sun exposure
  • Drink a minimum of 8 (8oz) glasses of water daily.
  • Please do not take any blood thinners such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin 24 hours before. Tylenol can be taken 30 minutes before your treatment without any contraindications.
  • Stop any retinol products in the area of treatment
  • Please note that you will be more sensitive 5 days before, during, and 5 days after your menstrual cycle.


• The skin should not be dry, chapped, or irritated on the day of the appointment. Sculpted Studios reserves the right to cancel you appointment if your brow area is not in optimal condition for the treatment.
• Your brows will be darker and may experience minor flaking during the healing process; please make sure you don’t have anything important for the next 1-5 days after your visit (depends on the person).
• If you use or have used RetinA or any other medications, please advise the artist.
• Do not tan or come with a sunburned face.
• Do not consume caffeinated products 24 hours before the procedure.
• Do not consume alcohol 5 days before your procedure and 3 days after.
• Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, or Ibuprofen 72 hours before the procedure.
• Avoid Chemical Peels, Botox, Laser treatment 2 weeks before your appointment.

Brow After-Care Instructions


For the first 3 hours following your treatment, blot the treated area every hour with provided antiseptic wipes. On the second day, blot or gently wipe the treated area three times, morning, afternoon and evening, again ONLY with with antiseptic wipes provided.

During those first 48 hours the treated area can ONLY be cleansed with the antiseptic wipes provided to you.  No water or other cleansers of any kind can be used for any reason.


It is normal to be excited about your new brows; however do not touch, pick, peel, tamper, scratch, rub, injure or remove the peeling in any way, you will damage the color and affect the retention. Let the skin naturally go through the healing and recovery process.  

It is normal because of the skins natural healing and regeneration process for clients to experience color loss or what appears to be color loss, causing the brows to look uneven or even disappear all together in some areas. This is the reason we require a minimum of two treatments, your follow up appointment, so we can ensure the best possible results, make any minor changes and pigment the area slowly for the most natural results.


You will start to experience a dry sensation in the treated area.  Once this begins to happen you may apply a rice grain size amount of the A & D ointment provided (for both brows) where it feels dry. This can vary form client to client. If you have extremely oily skin and so not experience this dryness DO NOT apply the ointment as it will affect your retention.

Abstain from any physical activity. Do not let any sweat, water, lotion, soap, or makeup touch the treated area.  You may apply a thin layer of ointment when showering or washing your face to protect the area from steam and moisture.

You may wash your face normally after the 5th day.


NO hot sauna, swimming pool, ocean, hot bath/shower, sun tanning, tanning salons, vaseline, Neosporin, or any other petroleum based products.

NO massages, facials, waxing, threading, laser or skin treatments.

DO NOT expose the area to unsanitary or dirty conditions.  


Do not use products containing alcohol or products that contain glycolic, lactose, or fruit acids and avoid salt or saline on the treatment area.

Avoid any injectables for 30 days.

Avoid any prolonged sun exposure.  After 30 days your brows are healed and you should begin to always apply SPF 30 on the tattooed area.