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Enhance the beauty of your pout with Lip Blush! The lips you were born with, but better & blushed. 

These Lip Blush treatments are for those who’s natural lips are pink/peach in color and want anything from a subtle tint, like a lip stain or a more full-coverage lip color that mimics a lipstick .

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Artists here at Sculpted have over 7 years experience with this service and will thoroughly consult with you to determine what look you are going for and provide you with the best service possible for beautiful sustainable long term results. 

We take pride in knowing we provide the highest quality lip blush treatments and care to our clients, so if you have any questions at any point, do not hesitate to ask.

Pricing Starts at $600 

Appointments available in NYC, Miami and Phoenix

These lip blush treatments can last between 3-4  years.


before and after lip blush 2
before and after lip blush 2
before and after lip blush 2
before and after lip blush 2
before and after lip blush 2
before and after lip blush 2